‘SHARA’ Survivors Network
Connecting survivors, strengthening voices, and creating gender-transformative changes the “Jukto Hou, Mukto Hou-Connecting survivors, strengthening voices and creating gender-transformative changes” project designed by Pragroshor Shamajik Unnayan and Progoti Kendro seeks to center the needs of women and girl survivors of SGBV SHARA is a support network that links survivors of different forms of gender-based violence to each other, and to individuals and organizations working to challenge patriarchy in different capacities. Members can use this platform to reach out to each other for advice and support during these volatile times, coordinate emergency responses to incidents of violence, share resources, and mobilize against gender-based violence in their communities and the country at large. We are also hoping to use this platform to create a list of volunteers who can offer counseling services, legal advice, shelter and emergency response for survivors who reach out to us or our partner organizations for assistance. Pragroshor arranges meetings in every quarter with the members of SHARA network in different places. Through these meetings the participants who are connected with our organization plays various roles for building a platform for SGBV survivors and express their hands for bringing them out from the place of discrimination and dishonor. Official personnel and activists of different organizations have connected with Pragroshor from their end and they provide their opinion and advise in meetings. Around 400 people are connected with us through SHARA survivors’ network group. They have connected through our Facebook page along with online and offline platforms.