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Art & Theater Camp

The art camp was a way to healing mental trauma through paint their own thought and choice. This was the first time they got the opportunity to paint like this, for themselves, not for their kids or anything. They could express their emotions through their art, and it also felt good to discover that they can do creative things as well. Through the ice-breaking session, through all the interactive games and dances, they also learned how to properly express and present themselves, how to communicate and maintain their social relationships effectively. All in all, this was a wonderful session for them. Almost 19 women joined the art camp from the community areas.  

The Art Camp was facilitated by Ms. Zobaida Akter. She explained to them how art has helped her deal with depression, how it has helped her to become calmer, and how it works as a therapy for her. She conducted an ice-breaking session through games, dance etc. with the survivors for them to get acquainted with her and each-other, and also to make them comfortable to come out of their shell and participate.

The objective of the Art and theatre Camp is to heal and empower survivors through art and self-expression. We believe that art and theatre are a powerful tool for both individual and collective transformation. Sometimes they can help us express and heal ourselves in a way that wouldn’t otherwise be possible through any other way.  We want to create a space of love and empathy where anyone can share their feelings, raise their voices, and come up with problems and solutions they have faced in their lives. As we believe that theatre is a powerful tool for individual and collective transformation. We want to create a culture of love where anyone can share their feelings, raise their voices, and come up with problems and solutions they have faced in their lives. Pragroshor wants to make a space where survivors can feel free to share their expression, thoughts and empower themselves through a creative approach of life. The session emphasized meditation for mental stress relief, Relief through theatre expression, showing feelings, body movement, and breaking barriers to feel empowered. Almost 15 participants joined in this theater camp from different areas of Dhaka. 

However, we were supposed to do Art and Theatre camp together. However, due to the lack of budget, we could not arrange art and theatre camp together. Therefore, Pragroshor focused only on theatre camp for the survivors. The Art and Theatre Camp was facilitated by Mr. Rasel Bari a theater activist and Creative Director of Sangat Performing Space. He started the session by giving the survivors an elaborate idea about the purpose of the Theater camp.


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